Wow! I just created a vacation e-mail for work which basically reads I will be out of the office through July 31st. The only time I have taken longer than a week off for vacation as an adult was for my honeymoon which I think was 10 days and now I am taking a full month. I must be out of my mind! We started packing last night. Yeah, I suppose we should have started earlier but we're still kind of in awe. This morning my wife said to me, "Enjoy your last day of work."
So, the lists are being created of things to bring. What makes it within arms reach and what gets buried?
The uncertainty of just roaming x-country is a little hard for me to grasp. Dale and I talked about it last night and she's like, we'll be fine, it will all work out. Just the calming influence needed. Ready or Not, here we come Cooperstown!
Woo Hoo!