Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Well, It has been a little over a year and I just read over my blog. What was my conclusion? I am so glad that we did it. We see commercials with Mt. Rushmore and say, "We've been there." It's a pretty neat feeling.

What would I have done differently? I would have visited more National Parks. Although, I think our vacation was a huge success in many ways, the fun and memories created at the National Parks were far and away greater then say, Disneyland. I also think I would have sought out more famous land mark attractions such as Mark Twain's house he grew up in or President Ulysses Grant home tour. I also would have tried to be better at leaving earlier. We tended to checkout around 11 AM but not getting in and settled in bed until around one in the morning made one tired body.

What would I have done the same? Hotels. I know I couldn't camp for thirty days. It was nice to have a hot shower every morning.

Would I do this adventure again? Absolutely. However, I would want to pick States that I have not yet been to, to spend the most time I have available in. Although, I would camp in the Bad Lands, I would make sure I made it to Redwood National Forest, take a train to the Grand Canyon and I most definitely would add all of the UTAH National Parks on the list.

I urge anyone who has thought about trekking across country, to seriously consider it. Is it expensive? Yes, relative to say a normal one week vacation. However, if you are an avid camper, you could definitely save some money that way by camping even a third of your time away. And by camping, you would save on food as making your own is cheaper than eating out. Most importantly, its the memories. We created life long memories.

So, start this week. Put some money away. Every time you want to buy, say a movie or something else you really don't need, put that money away. Before you know it, you'll have a sizable chunk set aside. Start looking at places you want to go. Ask your kids to look at a book or a map and pick a place they want to see. Quickly, the excitement builds and your dream turns into a reality.

Happy vacationing!